The consultants


RICARDO SONDERMANN is graduated in Business Administration, has a Master Degree on Marketing, both at the UFRGS. and has a masters (strictu senso) in communication at PUCRS. Has a large experience in sales (retail), international business (fashion and textiles) and communication (publicity and merchandising). Teacher at ESPM ( since 2010, coordinator of the Crative Incubator of the city of Porto Alegre and one of the vice-presidents of FEDERASUL (The state chamber of commerce – since 1998, as well as Member of the board of FECOMERCIO-RS ( and president of the LIberal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul ( during 2012-2014.



RODRIGO VALENTE is graduated in Propaganda, MBA in business management, has a large experience in the areas of publicity and propaganda where he worked for companies as Citröen, Michelin, Fiat and Honda, all in Rio de Janeiro, and Refap S.A., FIERGS, Springer Carrier, Triunfo Concepa, Lojas Lebes, Grupo Cortel, Triunfo Concepa, and others in Rio Grande do Sul. Living in Porto Alegre since 2003 he is a professor at ESPM, he coordinates the in house agency, as well as he is partner of another communication companies.

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